When should you choose Webpage / Blog as digital channel?
- Choose Webpage digital channel, in case you want to INFORM and/or EDUCATE your targeted audience, either HCP, Patient or Consumer, based on a well-structured content
- The key of your success: to define a clear visitors’ journey on the site, that is well structured with call-to-action elements
- The engine of the channel is SEO, link marketing and SEM
Watch out!
- The main barrier is to create the content (so look for best practices)
Graphics (illustrations, diagrams, charts) are visual tools to express our key message in an effective way.
- attract attention, help maintain interest
- present product/service
- create visual structure for information
Before using a graphic, check out...
- the proper file format (jpg, png, tiff, …)
- the proper size (in pixel), that will appear nicely on all screen sizes
- the proper quality (dpi)
- the proper size (kB) as too large graphics increase load time (on a page, avoid using more than 80-100 kB of graphics)
Warning! Be sure, that ...
- you have a reason to use graphic instead of text
- graphic does not distract attention from the main message
- the message will go through even without the graphic (eg. if does not load down for any reason)
Graphics can make analytics easier:
- letting images download, makes newsletter open rate measurable
- adding link to a graphic, increases click-through-rate
- Best practices
- Some basic info on image file formats
Infographic is a visual presentation of information, that use design elements to display content in a fancy way. It can be a powerful part of a written content, but it can be an independent content too.
- Makes complex information easy to understand
- Makes dry information more engaging
- Easy to get visually engaged with it
When to use? If you want to...
- Display information, explain concepts, mapp relationships, make comparison in a light manner
- engage your audience with facts, but in a creative way
- easily draw attention to causes and effects
- present some chronological order
- Focus on one well-defined topic and give right answers to questions
- Minimize text
- In infographic use always a well-defined color coding and icons, and keep it simple, clean and clear.
- Always refer to the source of the facts, to enable readers to dig deeper, if they want.
- It worth to make it clickable (see KPIs below)
In which digital channel will you share your Infographics? It determines the KPIs.
- Interactions (eg. clicking on the image)
- engagements, such as likes, shares (in social media)
- Best practices
- Editting tools
A picture is a visual way to provide information to the audience (“an image worth more than 1.000 words”). It is a file that could be presented in different formats, you can find it with the extensions .png, .gif, .jpg, ...
- Improve the site/tool design
- Easy to embed into social media posts, blogs and texts
- Easy to found in shared libraries (be careful with picture rights!!!)
- Can transmit emotions easily than a long text
When to use?
Pictures can be used in all kind of tools and websites. They have to be used to improve the site design and transmit emotions and feelings faster than a text.
Be careful with the image size because a picture in high definition can slow down a web page download.
The overuse of a pictures in a web page can be a problem as well for the design of a web page because can be difficult to find the information what the user needs. This a key point in the UX analysis.
A picture eases the use of call to action but you have to activate this feature in you analytics tool:
- call-to-action results (eg. visits to new product site)
- click-through rate (eg. from newsletters)
- interaction, such as likes, shares (in social media)
- Best practices
- Some basic info on image file formats
Streaming is a way to transmit a video/audio online to an audience. The product is used at the same time it is generated. It is really useful to provide contents to people that can not attend an event reducing the costs.
- Depending of the size of the audience, streaming is cheaper than a presence event
- You can record the event at the same time of the transmission, so you will have more contents available for your platforms.
- It is easy to integrate in your websites or platforms
- The user can attend from everywhere
When to use? If you want to...
- Launch a new product or service.
- Publicize results
- Event in which the interaction is important
Be sure, ...
- That the length of the event is not too long. Even with an amazing speaker a long streaming could be really boring.
- It is becoming a more common tool so the potential users know how to deal with it, nevertheless, sometimes, depending of the tool used will required the installation of some plugins/apps in the device that could be a problem for the user.
- The quality of the transmission is directly affected by the user’s connection quality
- Remember it is an online event so it is important to choose the right moment for the streaming (don’t launch it on working hours or at the same time of an important event on TV)
- You have to provide some added value to your audience in terms of the contents or the speakers otherwise they won’t connect to your broadcasting, left it in the middle or wouldn’t connect for future ones.
- The promotion of this kind of tool is really important to the final attendance, sometimes this cost can be higher than the event by itself.
- Connections to the event
- Connections at the same time
- Length of connection
- Interaction of the event (questions, contributions,...)
- Best practices
General document
A general document it is a content stored in a format like word or pdf, it is used as resource to provide to the user additional info like recipes, reports, technical descriptions,...
- Provide the option to download additional info. Clean the site and let it focus on main objectives
- This kind of deliveries provides a “second impact” because the user usually download it to read it later.
When to use? If you want to...
- Create a site or a platform to provide resources to HCPs or patients
- Provide additional info, deeper than the text in the site
Be sure…
- The general document has a properly format with an standard layout.
- This kind of documents has to be reviewed by regulatory department and must include references and the copyright correctly managed.
- Files downloads
- Resources views
- Likes
- Best practices
- Some recipes to patients
White papers
A whitepaper is a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report issued by experts on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution.
- you can educate, explain and persuade your audience about a particular topic
- it builds brand image, it suggest an expertise and leadership in the field
- it generates leads with high conversion rates
When to use? If you want to...
- promote features of a solution launched in a therapeutic area (eg. new product composition, new product range)
- build brand image, credibility and expertise
- build mailing lists
Be sure,
- it has a problem-solving point of view, based on facts and evidence, that keeps the attention and interest of your audience
- it focuses on your reader’s problem, needs and wants, and your solution for these.
- it has a buzz-generating title, that addresses your audience
- Title page, table of contents, brief executive summary and a conclusion part is a must.
- it must have a format: PDF, A4 in portrait orientation
- Whitepapers are less flashy, and more heavily researched and detailed than blog posts and ebooks. Their minimum length is 6 pages.
- Your readers expect a high degree of expertise based on research evidences and references.
- Although it is a heavy informative material, graphic design is essential (page layout, images, fonts and colours)
- it is suggested to build a landing page for your white papers, so your audience will be more in your sights (measurable activities, opportunity to interact)
- impressions and reach (CTR) in different channels
- number of downloads
- Best practices
Case studies
Case studies tell stories of success, showing the effectiveness of products and services.
- Case studies establish proof that what we are offering is a valuable solution for certain problems and needs.
- It makes the patient needs and benefits easier to understand.
When to use? If you want to...
- launch new product in a segment
- prove the value of your product, based on user benefits
Be sure,
- You determined first the objective and format of the case study.
- You chose the right candidate for your study, who is relevant to your audience (eg. local patient story)
- You have a standard template, how you present your case studies.
- You promote your case studies via other digital contents, eg. you can easily write a blog post.
- One study, is not a study… so be sure, that you have a dedicated place at your website, where all your case studies are hosted, with a clear filter function, shared in a common template.
- As digital audience is willing to consume video content, you can create videos from your case studies.
- Downloads (reach)
- ...
- Best practices
Guides refer to procedures defined by an authority on a subject. This includes from guides on how to use a product, how to manage a service or protocols on how to care for a patient.
- It derives from an authentic source, so users can be sure to receive credible and reliable information on the given issue
- A guide is an easy way to explain a subject.
- It is one the first thing demanded by user when he is facing a new service or product
When to use? If you want to...
- … share important information about your product or service
- … explain how something works
Be sure…
- to provide the info in the right format. A summary of the content at the beginning of the doc is useful (it is called quick guide).
- If the info is going to support any digital media use infographics, pictures o videos instead a plain text.
- When a user is looking for a guide, he obviously needs help so it is important use a direct and simply language and steps clearly defined.
- Number the accesses to the section
- Number of downloads
- Best practices
- Quick guides with graphics, steps and pictures
Short posts (< 280 chars)
Short post is a text about a personal opinion or a reflection on a topic, including a limited number of words/characters (depending on media, you share it).
- A short post transmits an idea simpler and more efficient that a long one, nevertheless each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
- A short post encourages interaction, because the idea is not completely developed and the response should be short, too.
When to use?
- In social networks like Twitter or Facebook.
- To transmit ideas or opinions faster
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, and check out the limits! Eg. don’t write long post in Twitter because your followers will not expect this.
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. The post is short but the links use add quality to the text.
- It is not easy to write a short text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Likes, Retweets, favs,...
- Best practices
- Best Twitter or Facebook posts retweeted or faved.
Long posts (> 280 chars)
A text that includes a personal opinion or a reflexion about a topic, and that is longer than 300 words (here the length limits will also depend on the media or social network because it is completely different a blog than a post in facebook, nevertheless this kind of post are more present in blogs or webpages than in social networks.)
- In a long text the user can explain in detail a position or a reflection a topic.
- This kind of resources are expected from qualified users or people what are looking for information in depth about a matter.
When to use?
- If the matter is complex and requires to provide a lot information to the receptor
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, don’t write long post in Twitter or Facebook because your followers don’t expect this. Use this resource in blog or web pages
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. In this kind of posts is better to include the links at the bottom of the text like additional info, otherwise the reader might leave the post before the complete reading.
- It is not easy to write a long text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents, even if you hire a HCP or a Patient to create a post review the text with a spell checker.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Time spent in the page
- Number of comments
- Best practices
- Best Blog or website posts commented.
A link is a resource that lets the user deepen into a content. It is commonly used in articles underwriting the terms that can be detailed.
- A post with links provides more info without distract the reader form the concept exposed.
- Links give information about the users”s activities.
- Google increase the rank of a site if it includes right links
When to use? If you want to...
- It is a best practice for a website including links in the posts or lateral frames.
- Provide more information to the user
- Helps to create a link building strategy (basic for google rank)
Be sure…
- To use tracked links, so you can follow users’ actions on websites, newsletters, etc. and you can compare efficiency of campaigns and channels.
- Don't’ overuse links in a short text, as it can distract the reading.
- Consider to include links at the bottom of the text under the umbrella of additional resources.
Tips to use QR code in print
QR is graphic codification that includes a link to a website or resource from a physical doc in paper. The user has an app in his smartphone that reads the code and navigate directly to the site.
- QR is useful for complex urls. If the url is easy to remember (eg., it is more efficient type the url in the browser then open the App match the QR and go to the site.
- Don’t abuse QR codes! Not everybody knows or has this app in the smartphone, so it is a user-friendly solution to share easy urls next to the QR.
- Use tracked links in QR codes, too, to be able to identify and evaluate the source, medium and campaign of the link.
- Clicks on links
- Visits from QR apps (when is possible to do that)
- Best practices
- Brochures with QR codes
- Text in web pages with links to additional resources.
Graphics (illustrations, diagrams, charts) are visual tools to express our key message in an effective way.
- attract attention, help maintain interest
- present product/service
- create visual structure for information
Before using a graphic, check out...
- the proper file format (jpg, png, tiff, …)
- the proper size (in pixel), that will appear nicely on all screen sizes
- the proper quality (dpi)
- the proper size (kB) as too large graphics increase load time (on a page, avoid using more than 80-100 kB of graphics)
Warning! Be sure, that ...
- you have a reason to use graphic instead of text
- graphic does not distract attention from the main message
- the message will go through even without the graphic (eg. if does not load down for any reason)
Graphics can make analytics easier:
- letting images download, makes newsletter open rate measurable
- adding link to a graphic, increases click-through-rate
- Best practices
- Some basic info on image file formats
Infographic is a visual presentation of information, that use design elements to display content in a fancy way. It can be a powerful part of a written content, but it can be an independent content too.
- Makes complex information easy to understand
- Makes dry information more engaging
- Easy to get visually engaged with it
When to use? If you want to...
- Display information, explain concepts, mapp relationships, make comparison in a light manner
- engage your audience with facts, but in a creative way
- easily draw attention to causes and effects
- present some chronological order
- Focus on one well-defined topic and give right answers to questions
- Minimize text
- In infographic use always a well-defined color coding and icons, and keep it simple, clean and clear.
- Always refer to the source of the facts, to enable readers to dig deeper, if they want.
- It worth to make it clickable (see KPIs below)
In which digital channel will you share your Infographics? It determines the KPIs.
- Interactions (eg. clicking on the image)
- engagements, such as likes, shares (in social media)
- Best practices
- Editting tools
Slide share
Slides (presentations) are usually got presented personally during a meeting, but they can be published (shared, embed) too, to get the most out of them...
- Helps delivering complex information in more steps, in an easy way
- Visitors like it, as they can read it in their own rhythm and they feel, they got some special information
- Easy to edit in PowerPoint
When to use? If you want to...
- Share a big amount of information, explain concepts, in more steps
- engage your audience with facts, but in an effective way
Be sure, to keep a reasonable limit of...
- size of the file (eg. by optimizing image resolutions)
- number of slides (it may vary based on the expectations of you audience and the type of the channel it is shared)
Some technical issue - use the right file format for sharing
- PPS / PPSX that always opens in slide show view (no editing is possible)
- PDF (if no animation is included)
- Prevent the download of files, if necessary
- Focus on the topic and be sure, that you just have the good amount of information on all slides (not more, and not less, than expected)
- Optimise the usage of text and visuals
- Use always a well-defined color coding, keep it simple, clean and clear.
- Always refer to the source of the facts, to enable readers to dig deeper, if they want.
- Opening rate of the slideshare
- ...
- Best practices
- Some basic info on PowerPoint file formats
Short video ( < 3 mins)
A video that not exceed that 2’ 59”. This the recommended length to keep the audience interesting during the visualization.
- The message is clear for your audience.
- the probability that the video will be viewed is much greater
- the size of the video is smaller, which facilitates its download and viewing without interruptions
When to use? If you want to...
- To communicate key messages in which you want to be sure that the info reaches your target.
- For product promotions
- Videos that comparing advantages and disadvantages.
- Advertisements
- Events summaries
Be sure, not to extend...
- The length of the video is the most important be sure don’t exceed 2’ 59’’
- The format of the video is important, as well, a short video + a motion graphic format increases the probability of full viewed.
- Clicks on video
- Likes
- Complete viewing
- Best practices
- Some basic info on video file formats
Podcast channel lets the users download audio/video contents in their devices to play it when they need. If you have a large content about the same topic in audio or video. this is your tool! The author can load in the podcast channel the episodes in the sort he considers and the user will receive this content automatically through a subscription system.
- This method create interest about contents
- Is useful as educational tool
- The user can listen or view the contents from their mobile phone from anywhere at any time.
- The app to play contents is installed by default in most smartphones
When to use? If you want to...
- To share information about a TA to specialists or patients
- Engage the user with contents because the owner of the channel shares the contents with a weekly or daily basis.
Be sure,…
- you have a content editorial plan defined before launch, because a podcast channel will require you to have enough podcast to cover the user’s expectations.
- you put at the beginning of your podcast list the most interesting topics to engage the user
- Be careful with the length of the podcasts, 30-1h is the recommended length, more could be boring.
- It is important invest time in the podcast page to summarize correctly the contents to attract the user and force user’s action.
- Define correctly the position into the podcast platform in case it is shared with other ones.
- Subscriptions to the channel
- Likes
- Podcast reproductions
- Shares
- Best practices
- Some podcast produced by the company
General document
A general document it is a content stored in a format like word or pdf, it is used as resource to provide to the user additional info like recipes, reports, technical descriptions,...
- Provide the option to download additional info. Clean the site and let it focus on main objectives
- This kind of deliveries provides a “second impact” because the user usually download it to read it later.
When to use? If you want to...
- Create a site or a platform to provide resources to HCPs or patients
- Provide additional info, deeper than the text in the site
Be sure…
- The general document has a properly format with an standard layout.
- This kind of documents has to be reviewed by regulatory department and must include references and the copyright correctly managed.
- Files downloads
- Resources views
- Likes
- Best practices
- Some recipes to patients
Guides refer to procedures defined by an authority on a subject. This includes from guides on how to use a product, how to manage a service or protocols on how to care for a patient.
- It derives from an authentic source, so users can be sure to receive credible and reliable information on the given issue
- A guide is an easy way to explain a subject.
- It is one the first thing demanded by user when he is facing a new service or product
When to use? If you want to...
- … share important information about your product or service
- … explain how something works
Be sure…
- to provide the info in the right format. A summary of the content at the beginning of the doc is useful (it is called quick guide).
- If the info is going to support any digital media use infographics, pictures o videos instead a plain text.
- When a user is looking for a guide, he obviously needs help so it is important use a direct and simply language and steps clearly defined.
- Number the accesses to the section
- Number of downloads
- Best practices
- Quick guides with graphics, steps and pictures
An eBook is an electronic book, that can be read on screen of a tablet, a smartphone or a special reader device.
- The production is cheaper than paper book
- Being a file it can be delivered easily through internet
- People know the tool and it is preinstalled in mobile devices
When to use? If you want to...
- To share quality content in an easy way to our partners.
- To share long contents (it is not for short ones)
Be sure…
- To invest in editing, spelling or style checkers, just like in the case of a traditional book.
- A book in a pdf or word format is not an eBook! It is necessary to use the right program to create it, to take advantage of all the options that this kind of tools provide.
- Files downloads
- Likes
- Best practices
- Some eBook created by the company
Short posts (< 280 chars)
Short post is a text about a personal opinion or a reflection on a topic, including a limited number of words/characters (depending on media, you share it).
- A short post transmits an idea simpler and more efficient that a long one, nevertheless each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
- A short post encourages interaction, because the idea is not completely developed and the response should be short, too.
When to use?
- In social networks like Twitter or Facebook.
- To transmit ideas or opinions faster
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, and check out the limits! Eg. don’t write long post in Twitter because your followers will not expect this.
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. The post is short but the links use add quality to the text.
- It is not easy to write a short text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Likes, Retweets, favs,...
- Best practices
- Best Twitter or Facebook posts retweeted or faved.
Long posts (> 280 chars)
A text that includes a personal opinion or a reflexion about a topic, and that is longer than 300 words (here the length limits will also depend on the media or social network because it is completely different a blog than a post in facebook, nevertheless this kind of post are more present in blogs or webpages than in social networks.)
- In a long text the user can explain in detail a position or a reflection a topic.
- This kind of resources are expected from qualified users or people what are looking for information in depth about a matter.
When to use?
- If the matter is complex and requires to provide a lot information to the receptor
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, don’t write long post in Twitter or Facebook because your followers don’t expect this. Use this resource in blog or web pages
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. In this kind of posts is better to include the links at the bottom of the text like additional info, otherwise the reader might leave the post before the complete reading.
- It is not easy to write a long text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents, even if you hire a HCP or a Patient to create a post review the text with a spell checker.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Time spent in the page
- Number of comments
- Best practices
- Best Blog or website posts commented.
Emojis and emoticons
Emojis and emoticons are popular symbol systems in everyday social communication, to express or emphasize emotions and attitudes. Emojis are small digital images, while emoticons are simpler, as they include only typographic elements, like :-).
- They are popular in text messaging, as it makes the message more personal.
- They can act like non-verbal elements in written communication, such as gestures with face, arms and hands.
- They make the expression of emotions easier and concise.
When to use? If you want to...
- If you have an audience, that you know well and for some reason it is important to express your feelings on a certain issue.
- If there is a strong need for brief contents (eg. strict character limit)
Be sure,
- you have know your audience well and emojis will not be misunderstandable or hurtful.
- The meaning that one person associates with an emoticon can completely different to the reader’s understanding of it, so it can lead to misunderstandings.
- Emojis are presented differently on smartphone devices and digital platforms, so always make sure, that the emoji you use, is not misinterpreted! Eg. greening face is a positive emoji in Samsung devices, but it is more negative in Apple systems. The Dancer emoji is a female flamenco dancer in iOs and in Twitter platform, but it is a flabby figure in Android.
- Do not forget Stickers! Instant messaging clients (eg. Facebook messenger) have their own custom pictures, that are fully specific to the app.
- Number of interactions
- Best practices
A link is a resource that lets the user deepen into a content. It is commonly used in articles underwriting the terms that can be detailed.
- A post with links provides more info without distract the reader form the concept exposed.
- Links give information about the users”s activities.
- Google increase the rank of a site if it includes right links
When to use? If you want to...
- It is a best practice for a website including links in the posts or lateral frames.
- Provide more information to the user
- Helps to create a link building strategy (basic for google rank)
Be sure…
- To use tracked links, so you can follow users’ actions on websites, newsletters, etc. and you can compare efficiency of campaigns and channels.
- Don't’ overuse links in a short text, as it can distract the reading.
- Consider to include links at the bottom of the text under the umbrella of additional resources.
Tips to use QR code in print
QR is graphic codification that includes a link to a website or resource from a physical doc in paper. The user has an app in his smartphone that reads the code and navigate directly to the site.
- QR is useful for complex urls. If the url is easy to remember (eg., it is more efficient type the url in the browser then open the App match the QR and go to the site.
- Don’t abuse QR codes! Not everybody knows or has this app in the smartphone, so it is a user-friendly solution to share easy urls next to the QR.
- Use tracked links in QR codes, too, to be able to identify and evaluate the source, medium and campaign of the link.
- Clicks on links
- Visits from QR apps (when is possible to do that)
- Best practices
- Brochures with QR codes
- Text in web pages with links to additional resources.
Patient platforms
Graphics (illustrations, diagrams, charts) are visual tools to express our key message in an effective way.
- attract attention, help maintain interest
- present product/service
- create visual structure for information
Before using a graphic, check out...
- the proper file format (jpg, png, tiff, …)
- the proper size (in pixel), that will appear nicely on all screen sizes
- the proper quality (dpi)
- the proper size (kB) as too large graphics increase load time (on a page, avoid using more than 80-100 kB of graphics)
Warning! Be sure, that ...
- you have a reason to use graphic instead of text
- graphic does not distract attention from the main message
- the message will go through even without the graphic (eg. if does not load down for any reason)
Graphics can make analytics easier:
- letting images download, makes newsletter open rate measurable
- adding link to a graphic, increases click-through-rate
- Best practices
- Some basic info on image file formats
Infographic is a visual presentation of information, that use design elements to display content in a fancy way. It can be a powerful part of a written content, but it can be an independent content too.
- Makes complex information easy to understand
- Makes dry information more engaging
- Easy to get visually engaged with it
When to use? If you want to...
- Display information, explain concepts, mapp relationships, make comparison in a light manner
- engage your audience with facts, but in a creative way
- easily draw attention to causes and effects
- present some chronological order
- Focus on one well-defined topic and give right answers to questions
- Minimize text
- In infographic use always a well-defined color coding and icons, and keep it simple, clean and clear.
- Always refer to the source of the facts, to enable readers to dig deeper, if they want.
- It worth to make it clickable (see KPIs below)
In which digital channel will you share your Infographics? It determines the KPIs.
- Interactions (eg. clicking on the image)
- engagements, such as likes, shares (in social media)
- Best practices
- Editting tools
A picture is a visual way to provide information to the audience (“an image worth more than 1.000 words”). It is a file that could be presented in different formats, you can find it with the extensions .png, .gif, .jpg, ...
- Improve the site/tool design
- Easy to embed into social media posts, blogs and texts
- Easy to found in shared libraries (be careful with picture rights!!!)
- Can transmit emotions easily than a long text
When to use?
Pictures can be used in all kind of tools and websites. They have to be used to improve the site design and transmit emotions and feelings faster than a text.
Be careful with the image size because a picture in high definition can slow down a web page download.
The overuse of a pictures in a web page can be a problem as well for the design of a web page because can be difficult to find the information what the user needs. This a key point in the UX analysis.
A picture eases the use of call to action but you have to activate this feature in you analytics tool:
- call-to-action results (eg. visits to new product site)
- click-through rate (eg. from newsletters)
- interaction, such as likes, shares (in social media)
- Best practices
- Some basic info on image file formats
Short video ( < 3 mins)
A video that not exceed that 2’ 59”. This the recommended length to keep the audience interesting during the visualization.
- The message is clear for your audience.
- the probability that the video will be viewed is much greater
- the size of the video is smaller, which facilitates its download and viewing without interruptions
When to use? If you want to...
- To communicate key messages in which you want to be sure that the info reaches your target.
- For product promotions
- Videos that comparing advantages and disadvantages.
- Advertisements
- Events summaries
Be sure, not to extend...
- The length of the video is the most important be sure don’t exceed 2’ 59’’
- The format of the video is important, as well, a short video + a motion graphic format increases the probability of full viewed.
- Clicks on video
- Likes
- Complete viewing
- Best practices
- Some basic info on video file formats
Podcast channel lets the users download audio/video contents in their devices to play it when they need. If you have a large content about the same topic in audio or video. this is your tool! The author can load in the podcast channel the episodes in the sort he considers and the user will receive this content automatically through a subscription system.
- This method create interest about contents
- Is useful as educational tool
- The user can listen or view the contents from their mobile phone from anywhere at any time.
- The app to play contents is installed by default in most smartphones
When to use? If you want to...
- To share information about a TA to specialists or patients
- Engage the user with contents because the owner of the channel shares the contents with a weekly or daily basis.
Be sure,…
- you have a content editorial plan defined before launch, because a podcast channel will require you to have enough podcast to cover the user’s expectations.
- you put at the beginning of your podcast list the most interesting topics to engage the user
- Be careful with the length of the podcasts, 30-1h is the recommended length, more could be boring.
- It is important invest time in the podcast page to summarize correctly the contents to attract the user and force user’s action.
- Define correctly the position into the podcast platform in case it is shared with other ones.
- Subscriptions to the channel
- Likes
- Podcast reproductions
- Shares
- Best practices
- Some podcast produced by the company
Guides refer to procedures defined by an authority on a subject. This includes from guides on how to use a product, how to manage a service or protocols on how to care for a patient.
- It derives from an authentic source, so users can be sure to receive credible and reliable information on the given issue
- A guide is an easy way to explain a subject.
- It is one the first thing demanded by user when he is facing a new service or product
When to use? If you want to...
- … share important information about your product or service
- … explain how something works
Be sure…
- to provide the info in the right format. A summary of the content at the beginning of the doc is useful (it is called quick guide).
- If the info is going to support any digital media use infographics, pictures o videos instead a plain text.
- When a user is looking for a guide, he obviously needs help so it is important use a direct and simply language and steps clearly defined.
- Number the accesses to the section
- Number of downloads
- Best practices
- Quick guides with graphics, steps and pictures
An eBook is an electronic book, that can be read on screen of a tablet, a smartphone or a special reader device.
- The production is cheaper than paper book
- Being a file it can be delivered easily through internet
- People know the tool and it is preinstalled in mobile devices
When to use? If you want to...
- To share quality content in an easy way to our partners.
- To share long contents (it is not for short ones)
Be sure…
- To invest in editing, spelling or style checkers, just like in the case of a traditional book.
- A book in a pdf or word format is not an eBook! It is necessary to use the right program to create it, to take advantage of all the options that this kind of tools provide.
- Files downloads
- Likes
- Best practices
- Some eBook created by the company
Short posts (< 280 chars)
Short post is a text about a personal opinion or a reflection on a topic, including a limited number of words/characters (depending on media, you share it).
- A short post transmits an idea simpler and more efficient that a long one, nevertheless each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
- A short post encourages interaction, because the idea is not completely developed and the response should be short, too.
When to use?
- In social networks like Twitter or Facebook.
- To transmit ideas or opinions faster
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, and check out the limits! Eg. don’t write long post in Twitter because your followers will not expect this.
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. The post is short but the links use add quality to the text.
- It is not easy to write a short text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Likes, Retweets, favs,...
- Best practices
- Best Twitter or Facebook posts retweeted or faved.
Long posts (> 280 chars)
A text that includes a personal opinion or a reflexion about a topic, and that is longer than 300 words (here the length limits will also depend on the media or social network because it is completely different a blog than a post in facebook, nevertheless this kind of post are more present in blogs or webpages than in social networks.)
- In a long text the user can explain in detail a position or a reflection a topic.
- This kind of resources are expected from qualified users or people what are looking for information in depth about a matter.
When to use?
- If the matter is complex and requires to provide a lot information to the receptor
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, don’t write long post in Twitter or Facebook because your followers don’t expect this. Use this resource in blog or web pages
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. In this kind of posts is better to include the links at the bottom of the text like additional info, otherwise the reader might leave the post before the complete reading.
- It is not easy to write a long text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents, even if you hire a HCP or a Patient to create a post review the text with a spell checker.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Time spent in the page
- Number of comments
- Best practices
- Best Blog or website posts commented.
A link is a resource that lets the user deepen into a content. It is commonly used in articles underwriting the terms that can be detailed.
- A post with links provides more info without distract the reader form the concept exposed.
- Links give information about the users”s activities.
- Google increase the rank of a site if it includes right links
When to use? If you want to...
- It is a best practice for a website including links in the posts or lateral frames.
- Provide more information to the user
- Helps to create a link building strategy (basic for google rank)
Be sure…
- To use tracked links, so you can follow users’ actions on websites, newsletters, etc. and you can compare efficiency of campaigns and channels.
- Don't’ overuse links in a short text, as it can distract the reading.
- Consider to include links at the bottom of the text under the umbrella of additional resources.
Tips to use QR code in print
QR is graphic codification that includes a link to a website or resource from a physical doc in paper. The user has an app in his smartphone that reads the code and navigate directly to the site.
- QR is useful for complex urls. If the url is easy to remember (eg., it is more efficient type the url in the browser then open the App match the QR and go to the site.
- Don’t abuse QR codes! Not everybody knows or has this app in the smartphone, so it is a user-friendly solution to share easy urls next to the QR.
- Use tracked links in QR codes, too, to be able to identify and evaluate the source, medium and campaign of the link.
- Clicks on links
- Visits from QR apps (when is possible to do that)
- Best practices
- Brochures with QR codes
- Text in web pages with links to additional resources.
HCP Platforms
Graphics (illustrations, diagrams, charts) are visual tools to express our key message in an effective way.
- attract attention, help maintain interest
- present product/service
- create visual structure for information
Before using a graphic, check out...
- the proper file format (jpg, png, tiff, …)
- the proper size (in pixel), that will appear nicely on all screen sizes
- the proper quality (dpi)
- the proper size (kB) as too large graphics increase load time (on a page, avoid using more than 80-100 kB of graphics)
Warning! Be sure, that ...
- you have a reason to use graphic instead of text
- graphic does not distract attention from the main message
- the message will go through even without the graphic (eg. if does not load down for any reason)
Graphics can make analytics easier:
- letting images download, makes newsletter open rate measurable
- adding link to a graphic, increases click-through-rate
- Best practices
- Some basic info on image file formats
Infographic is a visual presentation of information, that use design elements to display content in a fancy way. It can be a powerful part of a written content, but it can be an independent content too.
- Makes complex information easy to understand
- Makes dry information more engaging
- Easy to get visually engaged with it
When to use? If you want to...
- Display information, explain concepts, mapp relationships, make comparison in a light manner
- engage your audience with facts, but in a creative way
- easily draw attention to causes and effects
- present some chronological order
- Focus on one well-defined topic and give right answers to questions
- Minimize text
- In infographic use always a well-defined color coding and icons, and keep it simple, clean and clear.
- Always refer to the source of the facts, to enable readers to dig deeper, if they want.
- It worth to make it clickable (see KPIs below)
In which digital channel will you share your Infographics? It determines the KPIs.
- Interactions (eg. clicking on the image)
- engagements, such as likes, shares (in social media)
- Best practices
- Editting tools
Slide share
Slides (presentations) are usually got presented personally during a meeting, but they can be published (shared, embed) too, to get the most out of them...
- Helps delivering complex information in more steps, in an easy way
- Visitors like it, as they can read it in their own rhythm and they feel, they got some special information
- Easy to edit in PowerPoint
When to use? If you want to...
- Share a big amount of information, explain concepts, in more steps
- engage your audience with facts, but in an effective way
Be sure, to keep a reasonable limit of...
- size of the file (eg. by optimizing image resolutions)
- number of slides (it may vary based on the expectations of you audience and the type of the channel it is shared)
Some technical issue - use the right file format for sharing
- PPS / PPSX that always opens in slide show view (no editing is possible)
- PDF (if no animation is included)
- Prevent the download of files, if necessary
- Focus on the topic and be sure, that you just have the good amount of information on all slides (not more, and not less, than expected)
- Optimise the usage of text and visuals
- Use always a well-defined color coding, keep it simple, clean and clear.
- Always refer to the source of the facts, to enable readers to dig deeper, if they want.
- Opening rate of the slideshare
- ...
- Best practices
- Some basic info on PowerPoint file formats
Streaming is a way to transmit a video/audio online to an audience. The product is used at the same time it is generated. It is really useful to provide contents to people that can not attend an event reducing the costs.
- Depending of the size of the audience, streaming is cheaper than a presence event
- You can record the event at the same time of the transmission, so you will have more contents available for your platforms.
- It is easy to integrate in your websites or platforms
- The user can attend from everywhere
When to use? If you want to...
- Launch a new product or service.
- Publicize results
- Event in which the interaction is important
Be sure, ...
- That the length of the event is not too long. Even with an amazing speaker a long streaming could be really boring.
- It is becoming a more common tool so the potential users know how to deal with it, nevertheless, sometimes, depending of the tool used will required the installation of some plugins/apps in the device that could be a problem for the user.
- The quality of the transmission is directly affected by the user’s connection quality
- Remember it is an online event so it is important to choose the right moment for the streaming (don’t launch it on working hours or at the same time of an important event on TV)
- You have to provide some added value to your audience in terms of the contents or the speakers otherwise they won’t connect to your broadcasting, left it in the middle or wouldn’t connect for future ones.
- The promotion of this kind of tool is really important to the final attendance, sometimes this cost can be higher than the event by itself.
- Connections to the event
- Connections at the same time
- Length of connection
- Interaction of the event (questions, contributions,...)
- Best practices
Short video ( < 3 mins)
A video that not exceed that 2’ 59”. This the recommended length to keep the audience interesting during the visualization.
- The message is clear for your audience.
- the probability that the video will be viewed is much greater
- the size of the video is smaller, which facilitates its download and viewing without interruptions
When to use? If you want to...
- To communicate key messages in which you want to be sure that the info reaches your target.
- For product promotions
- Videos that comparing advantages and disadvantages.
- Advertisements
- Events summaries
Be sure, not to extend...
- The length of the video is the most important be sure don’t exceed 2’ 59’’
- The format of the video is important, as well, a short video + a motion graphic format increases the probability of full viewed.
- Clicks on video
- Likes
- Complete viewing
- Best practices
- Some basic info on video file formats
Long video ( > 3 mins)
A video that is longer than 2’ 59”. This the recommended for videos about congresses, conferences in which the content has to be explained in detail.
- The message is transmitted with all the content.
When to use? If you want to...
- To share congresses or conferences contents.
- Explain in detail TA or products
Be sure, not to extend...
- The format it is important if it is a long event the a view using just a one camera could be really boring it is recommended at least 2 camera or if it not possible change the focus to make the video more dynamic. It is interesant, as well, to edit the video and include some visuals (slides, graphics or similar) in order to catch the user’s attention.
- Be careful with the format and size of the video take into account the user connection.
- Sometimes the user can not use the audio, using subtitles is a good option to increase the views.
- Clicks on video
- Likes
- Complete viewing
- Best practices
- Some basic info on video file formats
- Way of storing the video: own server, youtube, other, ...
General document
A general document it is a content stored in a format like word or pdf, it is used as resource to provide to the user additional info like recipes, reports, technical descriptions,...
- Provide the option to download additional info. Clean the site and let it focus on main objectives
- This kind of deliveries provides a “second impact” because the user usually download it to read it later.
When to use? If you want to...
- Create a site or a platform to provide resources to HCPs or patients
- Provide additional info, deeper than the text in the site
Be sure…
- The general document has a properly format with an standard layout.
- This kind of documents has to be reviewed by regulatory department and must include references and the copyright correctly managed.
- Files downloads
- Resources views
- Likes
- Best practices
- Some recipes to patients
White papers
A whitepaper is a persuasive, authoritative, in-depth report issued by experts on a specific topic that presents a problem and provides a solution.
- you can educate, explain and persuade your audience about a particular topic
- it builds brand image, it suggest an expertise and leadership in the field
- it generates leads with high conversion rates
When to use? If you want to...
- promote features of a solution launched in a therapeutic area (eg. new product composition, new product range)
- build brand image, credibility and expertise
- build mailing lists
Be sure,
- it has a problem-solving point of view, based on facts and evidence, that keeps the attention and interest of your audience
- it focuses on your reader’s problem, needs and wants, and your solution for these.
- it has a buzz-generating title, that addresses your audience
- Title page, table of contents, brief executive summary and a conclusion part is a must.
- it must have a format: PDF, A4 in portrait orientation
- Whitepapers are less flashy, and more heavily researched and detailed than blog posts and ebooks. Their minimum length is 6 pages.
- Your readers expect a high degree of expertise based on research evidences and references.
- Although it is a heavy informative material, graphic design is essential (page layout, images, fonts and colours)
- it is suggested to build a landing page for your white papers, so your audience will be more in your sights (measurable activities, opportunity to interact)
- impressions and reach (CTR) in different channels
- number of downloads
- Best practices
Case studies
Case studies tell stories of success, showing the effectiveness of products and services.
- Case studies establish proof that what we are offering is a valuable solution for certain problems and needs.
- It makes the patient needs and benefits easier to understand.
When to use? If you want to...
- launch new product in a segment
- prove the value of your product, based on user benefits
Be sure,
- You determined first the objective and format of the case study.
- You chose the right candidate for your study, who is relevant to your audience (eg. local patient story)
- You have a standard template, how you present your case studies.
- You promote your case studies via other digital contents, eg. you can easily write a blog post.
- One study, is not a study… so be sure, that you have a dedicated place at your website, where all your case studies are hosted, with a clear filter function, shared in a common template.
- As digital audience is willing to consume video content, you can create videos from your case studies.
- Downloads (reach)
- ...
- Best practices
Guides refer to procedures defined by an authority on a subject. This includes from guides on how to use a product, how to manage a service or protocols on how to care for a patient.
- It derives from an authentic source, so users can be sure to receive credible and reliable information on the given issue
- A guide is an easy way to explain a subject.
- It is one the first thing demanded by user when he is facing a new service or product
When to use? If you want to...
- … share important information about your product or service
- … explain how something works
Be sure…
- to provide the info in the right format. A summary of the content at the beginning of the doc is useful (it is called quick guide).
- If the info is going to support any digital media use infographics, pictures o videos instead a plain text.
- When a user is looking for a guide, he obviously needs help so it is important use a direct and simply language and steps clearly defined.
- Number the accesses to the section
- Number of downloads
- Best practices
- Quick guides with graphics, steps and pictures
An eBook is an electronic book, that can be read on screen of a tablet, a smartphone or a special reader device.
- The production is cheaper than paper book
- Being a file it can be delivered easily through internet
- People know the tool and it is preinstalled in mobile devices
When to use? If you want to...
- To share quality content in an easy way to our partners.
- To share long contents (it is not for short ones)
Be sure…
- To invest in editing, spelling or style checkers, just like in the case of a traditional book.
- A book in a pdf or word format is not an eBook! It is necessary to use the right program to create it, to take advantage of all the options that this kind of tools provide.
- Files downloads
- Likes
- Best practices
- Some eBook created by the company
Short posts (< 280 chars)
Short post is a text about a personal opinion or a reflection on a topic, including a limited number of words/characters (depending on media, you share it).
- A short post transmits an idea simpler and more efficient that a long one, nevertheless each one has its advantages and disadvantages.
- A short post encourages interaction, because the idea is not completely developed and the response should be short, too.
When to use?
- In social networks like Twitter or Facebook.
- To transmit ideas or opinions faster
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, and check out the limits! Eg. don’t write long post in Twitter because your followers will not expect this.
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. The post is short but the links use add quality to the text.
- It is not easy to write a short text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Likes, Retweets, favs,...
- Best practices
- Best Twitter or Facebook posts retweeted or faved.
Long posts (> 280 chars)
A text that includes a personal opinion or a reflexion about a topic, and that is longer than 300 words (here the length limits will also depend on the media or social network because it is completely different a blog than a post in facebook, nevertheless this kind of post are more present in blogs or webpages than in social networks.)
- In a long text the user can explain in detail a position or a reflection a topic.
- This kind of resources are expected from qualified users or people what are looking for information in depth about a matter.
When to use?
- If the matter is complex and requires to provide a lot information to the receptor
Be sure…
- Follow the rules of the media, don’t write long post in Twitter or Facebook because your followers don’t expect this. Use this resource in blog or web pages
- Include links in the text to improve the quality of the info. In this kind of posts is better to include the links at the bottom of the text like additional info, otherwise the reader might leave the post before the complete reading.
- It is not easy to write a long text to explain all the matters you want, be sure to hire the right person to redact this kind of contents, even if you hire a HCP or a Patient to create a post review the text with a spell checker.
- Be sure to follow the same style if there are more than a person involved into the content creation.
- Access to the site
- Time spent in the page
- Number of comments
- Best practices
- Best Blog or website posts commented.
A link is a resource that lets the user deepen into a content. It is commonly used in articles underwriting the terms that can be detailed.
- A post with links provides more info without distract the reader form the concept exposed.
- Links give information about the users”s activities.
- Google increase the rank of a site if it includes right links
When to use? If you want to...
- It is a best practice for a website including links in the posts or lateral frames.
- Provide more information to the user
- Helps to create a link building strategy (basic for google rank)
Be sure…
- To use tracked links, so you can follow users’ actions on websites, newsletters, etc. and you can compare efficiency of campaigns and channels.
- Don't’ overuse links in a short text, as it can distract the reading.
- Consider to include links at the bottom of the text under the umbrella of additional resources.
Tips to use QR code in print
QR is graphic codification that includes a link to a website or resource from a physical doc in paper. The user has an app in his smartphone that reads the code and navigate directly to the site.
- QR is useful for complex urls. If the url is easy to remember (eg., it is more efficient type the url in the browser then open the App match the QR and go to the site.
- Don’t abuse QR codes! Not everybody knows or has this app in the smartphone, so it is a user-friendly solution to share easy urls next to the QR.
- Use tracked links in QR codes, too, to be able to identify and evaluate the source, medium and campaign of the link.
- Clicks on links
- Visits from QR apps (when is possible to do that)
- Best practices
- Brochures with QR codes
- Text in web pages with links to additional resources.